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The Myth of Taking Equity from Your House

You aren't smarter than the market. It really is that simple. The idea that you can "take money" out of your home is a common myth that gets a lot of people in trouble in a hot real estate market. It is a myth that is based on several misunderstandings that are often repeated. Myth 1: When an investment you own goes up in value you have "made money." In fact, you only make money from an asset's appreciation when you sell the asset. Until then, the current valuation is just an estimate of how much money you will make when you actually sell it. As long as you still own the asset, the value you will get is still in play. It isn't money. This is particularly important with a home. If you want to take your profit out of your house you have to sell it and that usually means replacing it with another home. Myth 2:  Refinancing  "takes your equity" out of your house. This myth is particularly pernicious. In fact, the description of people ...
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The Stock Market hasn't gone up, the Value of the Dollar has Just Gone Down.

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How Safe is Gold?

As often happens when the markets are bouncing up and down, some people are turning to the "safe haven" of gold. But how safe is gold? Gold has several attributes that make it attractive: 1) Gold is durable. In fact, some of the gold you buy today was probably mined by the Inca's thousands of years ago. 2) Gold is universal. With very few exceptions, gold always has value. This is true historically. And no matter where you go today you can likely trade gold for other goods either directly or by converting it into the local currency. 3) Gold is portable. While heavy, gold packs a lot of value in a small package. 4) Gold is beautiful. You can store it as jewelry or other decorative art. So if you are looking for an investment that will last a 1000's of years and still hold value, gold is a great commodity. Or if you are looking for something that will be likely to survive a complete societal breakdown like a war. However, when you start to look at likely fin...

Self-Directed Real Estate IRA's the New Scam?

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Traditional IRA and Roth IRA Contributions are Not Equivalent

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune financial advice columnist, Chris Farrell has an article in the Sunday May 1, 2011 edition that epitomizes the results of over-simplified financial analysis. For some reason, most of the media's financial advisers seem intent on ignoring the complexity of comparing Roth and IRA contributions and the result is often poor advice. Let's take a look at the media's conventional wisdom and how it compares to reality. Most media financial columnists will say that an IRA and a Roth contribution are equivalent assuming that your tax rate is the same on both ends. If you expect your taxes to be lower in retirement, then the IRA will give you a better return. If not, then the Roth is probably a better investment. On one level this is accurate. If you put $100 into a Roth IRA and are in the 25% tax bracket, you will have spent $125 including the taxes. Lets assume your investments break even over the next ten years and then you withdraw the balance of the...

Taming the Risk of Markets

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The T-Party Movement and Running Government Like a Business

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